Last May I met with Heather and Chris to plan their wedding ceremony for September 28, 2008 at Bella Napoli, an Italian restaurant in Cary. Originally their plans were to have the ceremony outside on the patio but they later decided to have it inside the restaurant. They planned on having about 50 guests for their festive celebration. It was a second marriage for both of them and they wanted a ceremony that spoke to their hearts. So, I wrote a special ceremony for them and emailed it to them for their review and changes. Together we created a final ceremony which acknowledged the choices they had made in the past and the lessons they had learned that had shaped and re-shaped their hearts.
Theirs is not just another relationship; it is the consequence and fulfillment of all those that have gone before. It is the last and the best.
After the ceremony was completed and the couple and I were going outside for photos, the musician showed up! Althouh he missed the ceremony, he was there to provide music and vocals for the reception. The delicious aromas of the food wafting through the restaurant assured everyone that they would enjoy the reception immensely despite the musical glitch!
When I arrived for their wedding everyone was almost ready. Their photographer, Jeffrey Huber, was on board but had a limited amount of time he could be there. At 1:00 we were all ready to begin but the musician had not yet arrived. We waited about 10 minutes and he called and said he was stuck in the traffic of the golf tournament going on that afternoon. We waited another 10 minutes but because of the photographer's limited time with us, Heather and Chris decided to do the ceremony without the music. Lucia, the owner of the restaurant was great! She was very accommodating and pushed the dining timetable back to allow for a later start and provided background dining music for the processional and recessional! Thanks, Lucia.
Congratulations and all the best, Heather and Chris!