Sealed with a kiss!

Sealed with a kiss!
Laura & Chris' Wedding at JCRaulston Arboretum

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Eve Wedding for Teresa and Eric!

New Year's Eve evening, Marty and I arrived at the home of Teresa and Eric for their wedding. They were referred to me by Kenneth and Julia, a couple I married this past summer (see their wedding post by clicking here). Teresa is a local veterinarian and Julia is a student at the veterinary school, hence the referral to me. Kenneth, an airline pilot, is also a photography buff, and so he was photographing the wedding. It was good to see them both again and they looked pretty happy and content together.

Both Eric and Teresa had two sons each from previous marriages that we were blending into one big family this evening. When we were ready to begin, the boys entered followed by the bride and groom.

The wedding took place in the sunroom. The couple had cleverly covered up the windows so that the camera flashes would not be bouncing all over the place! Eric's sons, Hayden and Gavin are on the right. Teresa's sons, Brenden and Devin are on the left. Teresa's parents were also there as well as Eric's sister, Denise, and many other friends.

The boys lit the four candles on the altar when they entered which represented all the guests. Then during the Children's Blessing we recognized the kids and told them how loved and important they are in this newly formed family. After the vows and rings, they participated in a family unity sand ceremony.

The married couple exit the ceremony area to the cheers of their guests. We later staged some photos in the sunroom.

One big happy family now! Teresa and Eric, congratulations on finding one another and I wish you all the best in life!

I want to thank Jonathan Colgan who provided our music for the wedding. You did a fabulous job. Thanks to Julia who served as our cue person to let Jonathan know when to start and stop the music since he was in the living room and not in a position to see the actual ceremony. 

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