Sealed with a kiss!

Sealed with a kiss!
Laura & Chris' Wedding at JCRaulston Arboretum

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beautiful Garden Wedding for Julia and Kenneth!

I really enjoyed meeting Julia and Kenneth and getting to know them. Kenneth is an airline pilot and Julia is working at an animal hospital in preparation for entering veterinarian school this fall. I found them to be quite well matched and how they met is an example of wonderful synchronicity and serendipity! Julia was selling a mattress on Craig's List. Kenneth was new to town and looking for a mattress. He answered her ad. But, before he could buy the mattress, Julia's former roommate decided to buy it! Although at that point they had not met, there obviously was some kind of attraction so their email messages and phone conversations continued. They finally met on Kenneth's birthday at a game night party Julia invited him to, and the rest is history!

A little over a year after their meeting, Julia and Ken became husband and wife. They chose to have their small wedding in the lush green garden of Cameron Park Inn B&B in the Cameron Village area of Raleigh at 9:00 AM on Saturday July 25, 2009. They knew of this place because Julia's employer owns it. They hired Evan Uribe of [lumen] Photography to cover the festivities which continued after the ceremony to a wedding brunch. See Evan's blog for more photos of this sweet wedding.

Here comes the bride! After Julia walked up the path, Ken met her and escorted her the rest of the way for the ceremony.

Surrounded by their parents, siblings, and very close friends, Julia and Ken made their vows to each other. From the ceremony script: "Out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened--Julia and Kenneth have found one another--on Craig's List, no less, in the household goods for sale section! The Universe sometimes has strange ways of bringing people together but we must remember that there are no accidents, just synchronicity, and they are proof of that marvel of life!"

The pronouncement of marriage!

Congratulations (and a few tears) are in order!

The happy couple! Kenneth and Julia, congratulations and may all your dreams come true!

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