Sealed with a kiss!

Sealed with a kiss!
Laura & Chris' Wedding at JCRaulston Arboretum

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Rainy Day Wedding for Robin and Matthew on my Upper Deck!

April 25th 2015 goes down in history as a rainy day in North Carolina! I had been watching the weather forecasts all week hoping the rain clouds would either be delayed or speeded up. No such luck. Robin and Matt planned to have their wedding in my lovely wedding garden but it was soaked and not covered. So I planned for the wedding in my living room.
They spotted the canopy out on the upper deck off the living room and requested that we do it out there. They guys moved the table and chairs to the sides of the deck.  It was too small for all the guests to get under the canopy with us so they stood outside with umbrellas. Then Matt, his best man Evan, and I took our places. That is father of the flower girls standing with us!
Crystal and Megan entered and took their places as bridesmaids. That is Mary, Mother of the Groom, in the blue dress and blue umbrella.
 The two little flower girls, Mia and Ila, made their hesitant entrance. So cute! 
And now we await the bride. Robin's parents are unfortunately deceased so Robin was escorted in by Matt's father, Jeffery.
 They make the trek from living room to canopy with umbrellas held over their heads. 
 And so we begin. And as can be expected our flower girls were distracted by all the people! 
We began with a welcome to all and a blessing for the couple. Then we remembered Robin's parents who were especially missed on this day.
 Then we thanked Matt's parents for all their love and support. 
 Jeffery told me he appreciated being acknowledged and loved the ceremony. 
 A few words on love and marriage then they made their vows to each other. 
 "With this ring I marry you and pledge my heart to you." 
 Robin said the same to Matt and placed his ring on his finger.
 And now they legally become husband and wife!
 Wonderful embrace and kiss!
 Aw shucks, folks! 
 Then I presented the newlyweds to their guests! 
Robin and Matt. what a sweet and memorable wedding surrounded by your family and friends. Glad we could do it outside after all. I wish the best life can bring!
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